Burger & Beverage ~ March 11, 2023

Fundraiser for 205 Collishaw Air Cadets
Location Royal Canadian Legion Branch 256
Start date Mar 11, 2023 5:30 PM
End date Mar 11, 2023 9:00 PM
Job sign up open Feb 26, 2023 5:01 PM
Job sign up deadline Mar 8, 2023 5:00 PM

Our first fundraiser of the year!!! Come on out, support OUR cadets and support the Legion.

Tickets are $25 for Adults and $20 for Under Nineteen.

Currently, the Legion is cash only at the bar - if you would like something other than what the ticket provides. What to you get for your ticket:

Burger with fries - If there is something specific - please reach out to us.

Beverage: one of : (options)

  1. 3 types of bottle beer (to be decided)
  2. 6oz Pinot Grigio or Merlot
  3. Pint of draft
  4. Pop

There will be 50/50 tickets, door prizes, our Quilt Raffle will start as will our regular Raffle (cash prizes of $1000/$500/$250).

There will be some things to complete to help us get ready for the event, keep checking back to see if there is something you can help with!

Do you have something or know someone or a business that can donate to our Silent Auction?

Is there are parent, or two who might like to run the BBQ for the burgers?

TICKETS - will be available on Thursday nights from the SSC office in LHQ or contact Allison 250.268.2719

